Chapter 1: Riverside City

Chapter 1: Riverside City

There is plenty of room for all of the infected to operate including easy access to the rooftops even if the survivors have generally wide places to operate. The map plays out horizontally and vertically both. You start off before climbing to the top of a high rise apartment fighting your way down to the basement below. You proceed under the roadway into a second high rise towards the exit. At the same time, there are a limited of med packs in the map (be wise to save) if only the survivors can make it. Hunters and Smokers will make a killing by working those rooftops while boomers will keep constant pressure on survivors inside the garages & buildings.

Gameplay hints:

  1. Switch by Main Street with broken street light.
  2. Fight your way through the street.
  3. Watch above and attack surprises.

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DeadCity II Campaign

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